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Different uses for Infrared light

Different uses for Infrared light

Infrared waves are electromagnetic radiations with a frequency band of 740 nm to 400,000 nm. This frequency is invisible to the human eye, and we experience infrared waves on a daily basis in a manner of different settings without realising it.

This doesn’t mean that we do not feel their effects, however, and there are actually a huge variety of different applications for Infrared light that we make use of regularly, whether we appreciate it or not.

In fact, humans have harnessed the power of infrared in a number of different ways, from improving surveillance technologies to detect human activity more effectively to helping soothe sore muscles in a home sauna.

Infrared waves are an invisible influence on all of our day-to-day lives and in this article we will take a look under the veil at some of the most important uses for infrared light.


Infrared thermometers are some of the most accurate tools for measuring human temperature and rose dramatically in popularity during the Covid-19 pandemic.

These clever devices work by sensing Infrared waves at a surface and measuring the waves that are reflected back using a build in detector. The nature of these returning waves is then used to calculate the temperature of the surface itself which is then displayed on the screen of the device.

Thermal Imagery

One of the most well-known uses for infrared light also happens to be one of the most important. We are all energy sources that emit a certain amount of infrared waves ourselves, and cameras that pick up on infrared light can be used to detect lifeforms from a distance, even during the night.

infrared imagery

The police, armed forces, and a number of other emergency services and authority groups utilise infrared cameras to detect intruders and missing people in low-visibility situations.

Infrared Saunas

Infrared light has a huge number of different health benefits when applied to the human body and is used by medical professionals to ease discomfort, aid healing, and reduce inflammation.

Many people choose to take advantage of this effect through the use of an infrared sauna which sends infrared waves directly into the body and provides a much deeper more penetrating heat than traditional saunas.

Infrared saunas have taken the home Glasgow Infrared Sauna market by storm in recent times and are now widely considered as the go-to choice for athletes and health enthusiasts alike. Infrared has been proven to be one of the only treatment types that provides relief from conditions such as arthritis and high blood pressure.

TV remotes

Many people don’t realise that when they use their TV remote control to change the channel, it is infrared waves that are saving you the journey from the couch to the TV set.

Your remote control works by converting the commands that you give, the press of a button, into binary signals that the TV or other gadget will understand and infrared waves are key to this conversion taking place.

Space telescopes

Infrared waves have a longer wavelength that light on the visible spectrum, meaning that they are able to travel further through gasses in space.

This makes them ideal for use in space telescopes for detecting celestial bodies and objects in space that we otherwise wouldn’t be able to spot.

Infrared technology is right at the heart of modern space exploration including revolutionary new technologies such as the James Webb Space telescope which allow for the study of some of the very earliest galaxies in the story of the universe and give us a better understanding of our origins.


Infrared is used extensively in healthcare settings to provide patients with relief from a wide variety of different ailments. For example, Infrared radiation has repeatedly been shown to assist with muscle pain and tension as well as providing some relief from auto-immune diseases.

Before attempting infrared treatment, however, it is important to pay a visit to your doctor who will let you know if the treatment would be beneficial for your particular condition.


infrared heater

If you have ever used an electric heater to keep yourself warm on a winter’s day, you have utilised infrared light.

Most electric heaters feature infrared light bulbs that radiate these wavelengths with the assistance of conductors made from copper or similar.

Infrared heaters tend to be far more energy efficient than other portable heaters fuelled with paraffin or similar, and a lot safer as well.


Any device that can be used for long-distance communication is more than likely to operate using infrared waves. As we have mentioned several times already, Infrared waves have much longer wavelengths than visible light meaning that the risk of a signal being disrupted is much lower and the communication will reach its intended recipient without issue.